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Casual Collision Presents: Hungry Shapes
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2.7 / 5 from 49 votes (you haven't voted yet)

An innovative puzzle where one has to feed the Hungry Shapes so that, at the end of the level, none of the shapes is left hungry and all the shapes remain on screen. You can unleash your creativity with the level editor or browse the many custom made ones!


Current Comments: 3 so far (login or register to post your own)

ben20 says:
Saturday, 11/7/09 @ 18:42pm

It wont go of the developed by ozdy screen.

LuizZak says:
Sunday, 10/4/09 @ 07:47am

Great, a classic-style puzzle game :]

fishjail says:
Sunday, 09/6/09 @ 14:31pm

funny game!