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Casual Collision Presents: SpinStack
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Todays High Scores: All Time High Scores:
ifirst 72 Normal
angubion 72 Normal
angubion 71 Normal
angubion 70 Normal
Belarus 69 Normal
angubion 69 Normal
angubion 68 Normal
iamtoo 67 Normal
Belarus 67 Normal
angubion 66 Normal
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2.0 / 5 from 5 votes (you haven't voted yet)

An arcade game reminiscent of Tetris where you collect and stacks up blocks, trying to keep the construction safe for as long as possible. Use the mouse, and hold down the mouse to slow time.. but watch your power bar. Alternatively, hit spacebar to generate a new block, if you'd like to speed things up. You gain points for catching blocks, and lose points for missing them. If you touch the border, you lose!

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